That Hideous CS Lewis Substack
That Hideous CS Lewis Substack
Summer Podcast Launch! Out of the Silent Planet

Summer Podcast Launch! Out of the Silent Planet

Looking for a great summer read? Journey to the "womb of the worlds" with Jack's Out of the Silent Planet

Hello THCSL fans! Hope you are having a great summer. I am launching a podcast series on book 1 of C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy: Out of the Silent Planet. You might be asking yourself, “did Lewis write a space / science fiction book?” He sure did. Though science fiction might not be the best label for this book and trilogy. Listen to my 5-minute intro episode to learn more about the history of this book and some fun facts. For example, but for a dare this book may have never been written!

This short episode lays out the plan for how I will cover the book. In general each episode will be short (~25-min). I will summarize the action in each chapter and dive into some key themes. I will also include various songs in the “soundtrack” as we move through the book. I am also planning to have some guests join me throughout this series. Last, I will throw in some listener engagement activities to make it more fun.

Grab a copy of the book, strap yourselves in, and get ready for launch! The chapter 1 episode will be available on the substack shortly.