That Hideous CS Lewis
That Hideous CS Lewis
Joseph Weigel and That Hideous Strength Part 2: Merlin and Dimble's Neutrals
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Joseph Weigel and That Hideous Strength Part 2: Merlin and Dimble's Neutrals

Confused about what do to with Merlin? Joseph Weigel explains Lewis' purpose in including Merlin in That Hideous Strength

Here is part 2 of my recent conversation with Joseph Weigel from Men with Chests. If you are not sure what to make of Merlin in That Hideous Strength, this episode is for you.

Joseph first gives us the correct (i.e. Medieval) understanding of fairies as compared to the incorrect (i.e. Disney) understanding of fairies. Next Joseph explains how Lewis, in including Merlin in the story, is following a long tradition of other writers who also included various legends of Merlin in their books. Next, Joseph digs into Dr. Dimble’s idea of “neutral” spirits (elementals or longaevi) associated with the elements (earth, wind, air, water, fire). He masterfully explains how the concept of neutral spirits was prevalent in Medieval literature and can even be traced to various epistles from St. Paul in Sacred Scripture! For all of you Greek language fanatics, Joseph tackles the concept of “stoicheia” in further explaining the idea of neutral spirits. Finally, Joseph demonstrates Lewis’ purpose and “judgement” on Merlin’s white magic or magia through Dr. Ransom.

Episode Roadmap

What is Lewis doing with Merlin in That Hideous Strength?

  • N.I.C.E. wants to use Merlin’s powers for evil; combine modern scientific power with Merlin’s ancient power; enhance spiritual power of communication with macrobes

  • The Company at St Anne’s wants to arrest his power and use for good

Is Merlin’s power good or bad depending on who wields it?

  • When Merlin wakes up it was part of Maleldil’s providence. Merlin is generally good; not necessarily the case that he would join the N.I.C.E. if they found him first

Lewis’s version of Merlin story

  • Merlin legend has lots of variation (Monmouth, Mallory etc)

  • Lewis following tradition and crafting Merlin to make his points in THS

What’s the deal with Merlin’s magic?

  • Merlin’s white magic vs goethia black magic

  • Merlin is not trying to dominate, trying to work with nature; using sympathetic magic

  • In interacting with nature Merlin is interacting with neutrals (see THS ch. 13)

What does Dr. Dimble mean by “neutrals knocking about”?

  • Neutrals are spiritual beings neutral to humans in relation to us but not to God

  • Not angels like guardian angels; neutrals are “intelligences”

  • Lewis is having fun here playing with hierarchy of angels (Brian speculated this was the re-telling of an Inklings discussion)

  • Neutrals another type of angelic intelligence

  • Neutrals are described as pursuing own business but not administering angels (like guardian angels); also not fallen angels

  • St. Paul may refer to these “neutrals” in Colossians and Galatians but neutrals do not fit into general classification of angels

  • This is Joseph’s key focus in his upcoming book, Planet Thulcandra

Classification of Neutral Spirits and Fairies (Lewis speaking through Dr. Dimble)

  • gods, elves, dwarves, fate, longaevi, water people, etc

  • Fate (pronounced FAT-tay)= fairies

  • Longaevi = long livers; most similar to fairy in English

  • Lewis does not mean Disney fairies like tinker bell (Victorian)

  • Lewis means medieval concept of fairies (from Discarded image)

  • Lewis - medieval fairies are sinister and mischievous; fairies copulate with mortals or abduct them

  • Modern view is that fairies are gleeful (such as those in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Nights Dream, Peter Pan)

  • Modern view of gleeful fairies perpetuated by Disney

St. Paul and Stoicheia

  • In THS Dr. Dimble mentions different types of longaevi; we get glimpses of beings in Paul’s letters to the Colossians and Galatians

  • Stipulations - these spirits cannot be good or bad angels; so this rules out Paul’s powers and principalities and other types of angels from his hierarchy of angels

  • These angelic beings in Paul are not neutral in relation to us (so not neutrals in the way Lewis is writing about)

  • So what is in Paul that gives us some clues as to what Lewis is referring to

  • Stoicheia: refers to basic principles, or elements (air, earth, fire, and water), or spirits connected with elements (Greeks understood connection b/t material and immaterial)

  • This is what Lewis brings into THS (also ref to Barfield’s ancient unities)

  • We see idea of stoicheia in Shakespeare’s The Tempest through character of Prospero (good magician; he is not governing good or bad angels but governing the element air)

  • In THS, Lewis uses “earthy” terms to describe what Merlin does (e.g. Merlin wanting to awaken the wood and water; wanting to “storm the castle”)

Is Lewis approving of the use of magic by making Merlin a good guy?

  • Ransom is adamant that Merlin should not interact with the neutrals or elementals (stoicheia)

  • In Paul’s letter to the Colossians, Paul warns the Colossians to stop seeking deity in any place except Christ and to not be enslaved by “elemental spirits” (this is what Lewis is saying in THS)

  • In a letter to Don B. Griffiths, Lewis refers to elementals and neutrals using the word stoicheia (again, referring to elemental principles and spirits)

  • In Galatians, Paul uses stoicheia but it may have multiple meanings; Lewis says it also means elemental spirits plus the principles

  • 6 uses of stoicheia in NT: Hebrews, Galatians, Colossians, and one of Peter’s letters

  • Ransom refs St. Paul saying angels are not good company for me (as seen in St. Paul); in Colossians, Paul warns against worship of angels and seeking divinity in other spirits (since Christ came to dwell bodily in the flesh)

  • “Dimble’s neutrals” is most likely from the reference in Colossians

  • Through Merlin’s use of neutrals, Lewis is condemning high magic

  • When Merlin comes back he wants to wake up the neutrals — fits with magia but Ransom condemns him to not do this (Ransom says it is illicit and not lawful to engage with the neutrals - also not lawful back in Merlin’s day)

What of Merlin’s salvation and his use of white magic? Is Lewis on board with this?

  • Merlin is capable of being used by Company at St. Anne’s because he opened his mind (free will) to the neutrals. Ransom cannot accept these powers because he never opened his mind to these beings of own free will

  • Merlin opened himself up to the neutral spirits so while he intends good he is in need of salvation

  • Lewis is cautioning about opening oneself up to the neutral elementals and spirits in general

  • Merlin is Christian but needs soul saved

  • He is withered because he opened himself to the neutral spirits; similar to Wither from the N.I.C.E. who of his own free will opened himself up to macrobes or devils

  • Lewis is not saying magia is acceptable; he is giving a stark warning that one should not open oneself up to elementals through magia

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