That Hideous CS Lewis Substack
That Hideous CS Lewis Substack
OSP Episode 2 Chapter 1: Where the Streets Have No Name

OSP Episode 2 Chapter 1: Where the Streets Have No Name

Chapter 1 Summary, Theme Analysis, and Listener Questions

Chapter 1 is up and ready! In this episode I cover 5 key themes from chapter 1 and give a character overview of the major characters we have met thus far. Let me know what you think.

As promised, I have some listener engagement activities. In the comments below please answer the following questions (also mentioned at the end of the podcast):

  1. What comes to mind regarding the name of the house where Weston and Devine are staying? It is called The Rise.

  2. When I was describing Dick Devine, I paraphrased a quote from a 1990s Sean Connery film. What movie did I reference?

Here are the main themes from chapter 1:

  1. Darkness, loneliness, and silence

  2. Begrudgingly accepting a quest but endeavoring to carry it out

  3. Comfort

  4. Disrespect and disdain for others

  5. Ambiguity and obfuscation can temporarily mask evil intent

Episode Roadmap:

  • Intro: 0:00 - 2:19

  • Chapter Summary: 2:20

  • Theme 1: 3:10

  • Theme 2: 7:41

  • Theme 3: 10:11

  • Theme 4: 13:03

  • Theme 5: 16:50

  • Character Profiles (what we know so far): 20:15

  • Language and Philology: 25:28

  • Wrap up and listener questions: 26:34

Episode music - “Where the Streets Have No Name” by U2