That Hideous CS Lewis Substack
That Hideous CS Lewis Substack
A Conversation About Heavenly & Hellish Creatures, Seeing, and Language with David Bates

A Conversation About Heavenly & Hellish Creatures, Seeing, and Language with David Bates

Pints with Jack founder David Bates walks us through some of his favorite C.S. Lewis themes. David emphasizes the importance of discussing Lewis as well as reading Lewis for a deeper experience.

A big Lone Star State thank you to David Bates from Pints with Jack for visiting THCSL! David and I had a fun discussion about his podcast, Lewisian themes, and the upcoming second annual C.S. Lewis Reading Day.

To make David feel comfortable on the other side of the mic we kept to the Pints with Jack tradition of sharing a drink before kicking off the conversation. David’s drink, however, was far more interesting than mine.

Conversation Road Map

  • Opening quote, David overview, and welcome 00:00 – 2:25

  • Drink of the Day (PWJ tradition) 2:25

    • David kept to his usual Yorkshire Gold Tea (sponsorship opportunity with PWJ) and chased it with a dram of Vat 69 Scotch (a favorite of Jack’s) - David gets the “fun” award!

    • Brian had a cup of coffee with some almond milk - Brian gets the “boring” award!

      • Brian would rather have been drinking Boddington’s Pub Ale or Old Speckled Hen (he was heavily tempted to sneak a dram of Talisker Scotch)

  • David’s background, interest in C.S. Lewis, and launching Pints with Jack 4:15

    • David is a software engineer originally from England

    • He held Narnia watch parties as a kid

    • David’s book club and The Eagle and Child podcast with Matt Bush (precursor to Pints with Jack)

    • Pints with Jack podcast

    • The importance of reading and discussing C.S. Lewis

    • Jack’s influences

    • Perelandra confirmed for PWJ Season 8!

  • Opening Quote and The Weight of Glory 20:10

    • The Weight of Glory is Lewis’s best sermon! The crown jewel!

    • Tie-in to the heavenly & hellish creatures theme

    • Context: Lewis gave this sermon June 8, 1941 right after the heaviest part of the blitz in WWII

  • Welcome to the C.S. Lewis Seroni Club! 25:13

    • David is now an official member of the club

    • In determining David’s qualifications for the Seroni club, Brian evaluated David’s “Oscar-worthy death scene” in his role as Hyoi in a YouTube version of Out of the Silent Planet

  • Key Lewis Themes Discussion 29:02

    • Lewis’ books “talk to each other” as the themes are interconnected throughout

    • David suggests reading Lewis slowly to get the most out of his themes and to see how they are all connected. It can be a little overwhelming, but you will be okay if you follow the methods of Charlie in “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”.

    • Heavenly & Hellish Creatures 30:56

      • Mere Christianity

      • Eustace Scrubb (Voyage of the Dawn Treader)

      • Sarah Smith (The Great Divorce)

      • The Lustful Ghost and the Red Lizard (The Great Divorce)

    • Seeing & Vision 39:58

      • Lucy Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)

      • Orual (Till We Have Faces)

      • The Dwarves (The Last Battle)

      • Uncle Andrew (The Magician’s Nephew)

      • Ransom (Out of the Silent Planet)

    • Language & Communication 45:45

      • Uncle Andrew (The Magician’s Nephew)

      • Ransom vs Weston & Devine (Out of the Silent Planet)

      • John Wither, Professor Frost, and Mark Studdock (That Hideous Strength)

      • Shift (The Last Battle)

      • Screwtape (The Screwtape Letters)

  • Closing & thank you 53:34

    • Tolkien has a reading day - so why not have a C.S. Lewis reading day!

    • Second Annual C.S. Lewis Reading Day (coming up Nov 29, 2024)

    • C.S. Lewis and his friends - possible theme for CSL Reading Day

    • Pinterest - the long-lost sequel to That Hideous Strength :)

Here are some ways you can connect with David and his C.S. Lewis work:

Episode Music: “Pints with Jack” by Matt Wheeler